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29 to 35 weeks pregnancy update

Hi Moms em back again after a long gap :) In these weeks I had couple of growth scans done. One was at 33 weeks which was not good one as my little honey could only gain 300 grams in 3 weeks and was dropped to 7.8 centile which is considered as SGA( Small for Gestational Age) so I was very much worried about his growth. After a week another ultrasound was done for checking blood and oxygen flow which was perfect so doctor said no need to worry until any complications occur in blood flow. At 35 weeks I had growth scan appointment but for some reasons I could not reach to FMU at scheduled time,when I reached their doctor was not their which was very hectic day. on request they arranged urgent growth scan with another doctor and they told me that baby has grown much better than the previous one in two weeks which is great but still he is small for gestation age. I am trying to eat a lot of high protein diet. now I have another appointment with my doctor at coming Saturday so hopefully I will get some good news for baby's growth. 

Symptoms for This week

  • now a days Pelvic girdle pain is at height, I am using painkillers on doctors advice for pain relief.
  • I am feeling pain around belly button which gets sour and painful at touch.
  • urination trips are still on :) minimum 3 trips at night which is so annoying :)
  • Baby moves a lot and now his movements are more like rolling than kicking and I can feel his moving legs and body parts clearly.
  • waddling is another symptom as I get huge bump at this point.
  • feeling Brixton Hicks contractions more and more day by day but not painful.
  • I had cold last week for which doctor had recommended anti allergic pills which helped me out of such painful situation.
  • insomnia is another big problem i am dealing with.

Baby Growth this Week

  • According to experts baby is size of honeydew melon ,18 inches long and weighs about 5 1/4 pounds. 
  • Now their is less room for baby as he is growing rapidly.
  • His kidneys are fully developed now and his liver is processing some waste products.
  • He is now physically fully developed and now he will put on some more weight.

This is all about my pregnancy update till now . :) Hopefully will see you soon with another update.
Please remember me in your prayers and feel free to share your experiences with me.
take care and bye for now :)

27,28 weeks pregnancy update

Hello Moms I am here again with another update for week 27 and 28 :)

 I am now officially in third trimester guys which makes me feel very excited and hopeful to meet little peanut after 12 weeks :)Their was nothing much changed during both weeks so I thought I would update you combine. The best thing done during these weeks was another growth scan at 15 September which has given me another breath of relieve. I was worried as I talked about last one and my Doc told me that baby is at 12 centile, now he is at 14 centile which means he is on right track towards growth percentile which is good sign but still I am little worry about the next scan which is scheduled on 29th September so Moms please pray for my little bunny to gain proper weight which he must have at that day :)

 Symptoms this week

  • New symptom I observed this week is heart burning guys, its disgusting and more uncomfortable at night. I try to overcome it with glass of cold water before bed which works a lot.
  • muscle pulls at night which is so weird but It is very rare in once, I drink a lot of water which helps me to sort out this problem as well.
  • Constipation was another problem in my second trimester but as i started to focus on drinking more water I feel much much better than before.
  • Urination trips are on as I am drinking a lot of water these days:)
  • Problem in changing position from one side to another is like a battle at night :)
  • Stand up from couch is now very much difficult, it takes a lot of struggle and energy to do so :)
  • baby moments are much stronger and constant now. I can feel his rollings and kicks and some times hard ones to make me shout out in response but I enjoy a lot :)

Baby Growth This Week

at 27 week

  •  baby is the size of cauliflower about 2 pounds and is about 14.5 inches long from head to toe.
  • His lungs are immature but his brain is more active.
  • He is busy in sucking his thumb and preparing himself for outside womb:)
  • Now we can feel Hiccups which Mom can feel as rhythmic patterns which lasts for few seconds.

at 28 weeks

  •  baby is the size of large egg plant about 2 1/4 pounds and measures about 14.8 inches long.
  • His lashes are supporting his eyes and he can now blink his eyes which is awesome :)
  • He can observe light which filters in through womb with his developing vision sense and can react to it with some kicking response.
  • Still billions of neurons in his brain are developing and more fats are adding to body to survive outside womb.
This is it for now moms hope you will enjoy my diary. Don't forget to pray for my smooth pregnancy ahead as this is very precious one for me and I hope that this baby will be my Rainbow baby to bring happiness in our life after dark times :) take care Moms, Share your experiences with me as well it will make me feel good. Tc and bye for now :)

24, 25 & 26 weeks pregnancy update, Growth scan

Hey moms I am so sorry for such delay in updating my weekly story. I was out of city on vacation :) It was a great time to spend some time with loved ones and relatives. I am so glad to updating you again my 24 to 26 week journey in spite of some roller coaster situations :) I had a growth scan at 25 week and Dr said every thing is normal but baby is at 12 centile which means he is smaller than his expectations but in normal range of growth as 10 centile is the borderline so he advised me to take much protein as possible and to make another growth scan after two weeks. It made me little nervous because they doubt may be if it goes down the borderline. it will lead to IUGR which is not good so please Moms pray for me to overcome this issue soon. Its part of life so we should take it easy and just relax for our sweet honey bunny  little peanut.

Symptoms these weeks

I will share whole symptoms I suffered through these three weeks 

The very first one during my 24 week was severe toothache which continuously made me uncomfortable throughout the week. Thanks to Sensodyne  Toothpaste which helped me alot in getting relief for a while and also home remedies worked for me :)

Muscle cramps is still on and off from 25th week which mostly occurs at night time
Urination trips are on :)

Feel very uncomfortable now in laying on bed and specially during changing position from one to another side

  • round ligament pains are mild but are there

I feel tightening of my abdominal muscle which ends in seconds may be this is braxton hicks but i am not sure.

Baby Growth These weeks

  • Baby was length of ear corn at 24 weeks, 13 1/2 inches long at 25 weeks and measures 14 inches long at 26 weeks. Which is amazing :)
  • 1 1/3 pounds weight gained in 24 weeks, 1 1/2 pounds gained during 25 weeks and 1 2/3 pound is gained at 25 weeks. 
  • at 24 week brain  growth was continue to grow properly and lungs were developing branches and surfactant which will help his air sacs once he comes out to the world.
  • at 25 week he put on some baby fat and his wrinkled skin was begin to smooth. He was also growing more hair.
  • at 26 weeks ear nerves were better developed and he can now sense our chat with partner and others as well which is great :)
  • He is continuing to put on more fat and look like small new born now.

This is all about my last three weeks journey Moms hope you will enjoy it. will see you soon with another update. Take care and pray for me bye:) 

23 weeks pregnancy update

Hello MOMs , it's very exciting to share my week to week journey with you guys....I am 23 weeks and 1 day pregnant. I did not think that time will fly like this and I will sweep through this milestone. I know still I need to be patient for almost 15 weeks but guys it looks like very short period to meet my sweetheart little peanut :) I know I will have to be very careful at every single day because of the previous experience. I am in higher risk pregnancy category and moms their who are experiencing same situation can better understand me that how tough is it to spend every single day,praying for good and hope for best all the time. So guys this is life I try my best to  just chill the time and enjoy the kicks of little one inside :)

Symptoms this week

  • light round ligament pain once in a while so its fine to me :)
  • I don't know why I have toothache and  very sensitive teeth, I am not feeling comfortable with eating anything Maybe this is because of calcium deficiency, I will talk to my doctor.
  • Wow the best feeling is sharp kicks and jumps of my baby inside me which gives me more strength and hope to look forward. This is the best feeling you ever can feel in your life :)
  • mostly I feel like totally out of breath.
  • I feel pain in my lower area feet when stand for long time.
  • Oh god sleepless nights ....I go to bed at 12 am and after struggling for two to three hours finally go to sleep, Dreams are vivid and strange ones. Guys I am not enjoying sleep at all :(
  • frequent urine trips are still on but lesser than the first trimester :)
  • Sometimes when I go to sleep I feel like I have problem in breathing I dont know whyyyy ?
  • Left side is considered better one to sleep on but I feel more comfortable on right side which is not good but  despite millions of attempt I could not own this habit :(

Baby's growth this week

  • Baby is a size of large mango :) 
  • more than 11 inches and 1.1 ounce weight
  • baby's movement sense is developing so he can recognise your moves while you are moving or dancing
  • His hearing sense is more strong 
  • His lungs are getting more strong to breath outside.
  • now baby is almost done with his important organs formation and now its his time of gaining weight and put on fats,so moms Protein containing foods are very essential this time so enjoy meat, eggs, beans, milk and all those foods which are rich in protein :)
This is it for today's update....hope you will enjoy

please feel free to comment and pray for me and my baby, see you with another update Bye :)

22 weeks pregnancy update

Today I am 22 weeks and 1 day pregnant Moms....It is blessing.

I could not imagine after such terrible experience of previous pregnancy that this pregnancy will go faster and smoother, thank God that everything is going fine till now.
Its look like time is flying away and thinking of meeting my little peanut makes me very emotional sometime.

 I am very satisfied and peaceful after Anomaly scan . I am very excited to go for shopping :)

Symptoms This Week

  • Nothing is special this week except baby's kicks become more strong day by day. (MA) 
  • Sometimes itchy skin around tummy makes me uncomfortable but coconut oil is working a lot. I am feeling much better after using this oil.
  • Round ligament pains almost gone..sometimes tummy feels very heavy and stretchy but most of the time I have no any issues.
  • Cravings for spicy and sour things. I try my best to eat healthy food and include fruits on daily bases.

Baby's Growth this Week

  • Baby is a size of coconut :) wow na.
  • Size of 11 inches and about 1 pound weight
  • His pancreas, special organ which produces special hormones is developing gradually.
  • Baby's eyelids, eyebrows and lips are now prominent and completely formed.
  • Tiny thin hairs called lanugo can be seen all over the body.
  • Eyes are prominent and complete but still eye lacks color pigment.
  • Baby's looks more like miniature newborn now.
  • Baby's complete organs can be seen in anomaly scan at this time.

This is all about 22 weeks pregnancy, hope you will enjoy this journey with me:)
please remember me in your prayers and share your experiences and related questions below. See you soon with another update, take care and goodbye :)

Anomaly Scan,Gender Reveal :)

Today I am going to share a big news with you Moms but first I will share my baby's health details as health is much more important for me than the gender :)

Yesterday at 3rd August 2018 at 1:30 PM I went to the Hospital where my hubby joined me as he is also doing job there. We went to the Feto Maternal Unit where I had appointment for my Anomaly Scan. I waited there for an hour as doctor was in meeting. During that hour I had a lot of different thoughts about my baby's health. I prayed for the best and after long wait they called me for checkup. I went inside room and after greetings doctor did my anomaly scan. Thank God that he said everything looks absolutely perfect. I took breath of relief and then I asked him to tell me my baby's gender.....Hmmm gender reveal is a big excitement, guys its fun to celebrate this excitement but could not do that at big level as my whole family is in another city and me and my husband are in other city for his job. 

Anyways what is in your mind this time about gender playing inside me ....think think :)

okee you know what its a blue bean yes :) I have a baby boy.....little brother of my cutie pie daughter (you can read here about her )

My husband was in meeting,he could not come with me so I was very excited to tell him. I called him and told him that I have a surprise for him, he asked me what is it.....I said think about it I am coming towards you will tel you there...:)
I reached to hubby's office ,,,,He asked me about scan I told him about baby's scan and then asked him to guess a Gender.....He smiled and said my heart says its a GIRL :) I smiled and said how did you know he said Em I right, I said this time you are wrong and I am right because its a BOY :)   I cannot explain feelings that how we enjoyed that short and simple gender reveal celebration outside his office room with tears and shine in our eyes :)

 MOMs.....will share other stories ahead to see you reading my stories and will be pleasure to see your stories too,so pray for me and share your views in comment box below thanks...bye.:)

21 weeks pregnancy update

Hello MOMs! I can't believe that I am half way away of my little cutie pie. :)

This is my 21 weeks pregnancy update...I am very excited to know my baby's gender very soon as my anomaly scan is scheduled on 3rd august and will share you soon a big news.

This week was also so peaceful and joyful as I had follow up with my doctor on last week and I heard little baby's heartbeat sound like dub dub dub dub :) which was amazing and am feeling very blessed to have a life inside me who is growing day by day and developing his own unique personality.

Sometimes I miss my beautiful daughter who left me in very early days of her life journey.....As I feel the same movements,kicks, rolls and jumpings in my womb which i used to feel with my little angel too so sometimes I feel like I am again holding her inside me and she will be in my lap soon,,,anyways I am so excited to know gender if my little daughters sister is coming or a brother is on his way :) no matter what gender is we are very excited to welcome him/her with our full of love.

Symptoms this Week

  • I had no dizziness anymore. I am enjoying every type of food and fruits, so no craving complaint.
  • One thing new in this week is leg pain also called as muscle cramp in both of my legs which makes me uncomfortable in walking and even in standing and sitting positions. 
  • other symptom is round ligament pain but its not severe, can be manageable.
  •  can not stand or sit for long durations, lower area of feet starts to pain badly when i stand for too long, always need to relax feet by putting them straight on couch or on chair.
  • feel very uncomfortable when try to pick something up because of weight and popped tummy :)
  • some times feel totally out of breath during talking or walking which is crazy.
  • Mostly get very difficult in fall a sleep at night.
  • Urine trips are still on.
  • I am using maternity cloths

Baby Growth this Week

  • Baby is a size of carrot or pomegranate.
  • Baby is about 10.5 inches long and weighs about 7.5 ounces. 
  • Baby's eyebrows and eyelids are start to grow.
  • Baby's taste buds are developed so he/she can enjoy the taste we eat or drink.
  • Red Blood cells are properly developed so now baby's blood circulation is properly doing by system.
  • baby is growing larger day by day so we can feel baby kicks oftenly now which sounds great and the exciting thing is I am feeling the same consecutive kicks this time :)
  • Baby is more like human now and fats are start from now to develop on baby's body to protect him from cold.
  • baby's brain and other organs are completed now so we can done baby's anomaly scan to know he is healthy inside.

This is all about my 21 weeks journey dear Moms, hope you will enjoy this update and you can find previous updates on my blog page. Please pray for my onway baby and share your comments and experiences with me as I need your support and prayers too ,,see you soon bye :)

29 to 35 weeks pregnancy update

Hi Moms em back again after a long gap :) In these weeks I had couple of growth scans done. One was at 33 weeks which was not good one as m...