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Preterm Baby

Hello MoMs this is the story of my second pregnancy.This is all about my cutie pie,my little honey daughter who made every moment joyful and happy inside me and made us both proud to became parents and to taste the beauty of parenthood. 4th April was the day when she decided to came outside after playing and kicking me inside for so many times and made me feel mama every moment when she rolled all here from there for 28 weeks.

 In october 2016 I went to hospital for ultrasound and they confirmed that I am pregnant.....It was a great news, I smiled again, I forgot the past and ready to go ahead. 

During my pregnancy I was so lucky that I did not feel any nausea, no vomiting, no cravings,,,,,,the only thing experienced was spotting at 8 weeks which was alarming, I went to the hospital and doctor said its fine, no need to worry just relax and continue medication, it will help in reduce chances of miscarriage. anyways after 2 weeks spotting vanished.. 

Everything was going fine but one thing noticeable was baby measured one week behind, doctor said its fine we consider 2 weeks difference normal so I did not panic for it and was very happy.

 I was enjoying my pregnancy so far and nicely covered 24 weeks, at this time I had to change doctor because of my husband, who got a good job of purchase manager in other hospital, I met new doctor she was very nice and also experienced one. After doppler test she said, "baby seems to be fine, come again after a month with previous ultrasounds, Then we will discuss everything". I agreed and came back to home.

 I was feeling awesome. Everything was smooth and fine. For some reasons I couldn't get appointment at the time given by doctor I was almost two weeks late, we managed to take appointment at 5th april. 

The worse thing happened on 3rd april 2017. I started to swell, my face became puffy. My husband came back from office and said what happened to you, is everything oke? you look puffy, my feet were swollen. He said lets check BP may be that is the reason. We went to nearby hospital and they checked my BP said its not normal in pregnancy you have 147/90 which is high.we can't prescribe you medicine just keep checking BP after every 2 hour and if it remains high, contact your doctor.

 I came back home, we started to check every 2 hours, it remained high. 4th april 2017 at morning we rushed into the hospital. They admitted me to check what's actually going on. After hours of discussion and history sheets were filled they took me to the labour room where they started to do CTG, which is normally performed in pregnancy to confirm whether baby is doing good or not, as my doctor was there she said everything looks good nothing to worry about except high blood pressure so she said to perform a urine test. Test was clear there was no any protein in it which was good sign. 

Doctor said a staff to shift me to the normal ward where i will have to do another CTG then I can go home with medications.

I shifted to ward everything was good, Nurse came and put CTG scan and left the room. Me and my husband were chatting and very normal at that time. after some time nurse came back and took the CTG scan sheet to the doctor.

I dont know what was going there, my doctor freaked out, she said the worse CTG scan I couldn't imagine, your baby is not doing good inside,she is in danger, we will have to decide now what we will be going to do in next couple of hours.

Me and my husband were in shock because we didn't know what they are saying and what they will going to do with me. I said may be nurse was not there and I was not that much caring about what was going with CTG, I was moving there so might be that was creating the worse result what you had seen so please do CTG again here. Doctor said ok, they did again this time they got good result but doctor said its not like the first one and I cant ignore the middle one which can threaten your baby's life so I am going to offer you C-section now because your baby is IUGR it means baby is about three weeks behind the growing weight and size which is not good and the other threat for her life is your hypertension,so you decide what you and your husband decides because with hypertension we can't leave baby inside even for a day.

That was day when me and my husband decided to introduce baby to this world which was very dangerous for her at that point.

I went to labour room at 7:00pm, I was completely unaware of whole situation which was going on for three and half hours. at 10:30 pm I was feeling bad, not fully awake but could see blur faces around me. My husband came to me congrats me on having our beautiful little baby girl. I smiled and after few minutes went to sleep for hours.I spent a day without seeing my baby because of emergency C-section which was hard time for me but still I was happy to see our little angel next day.

Hey MoMs its very long story may be you will find boring but this story in my life has great importance and it has totally changed my views and world,not in negative sense but it again made me very strong and taught me many lessons of this life. 

I will share my baby's 22 days short life journey very soon.........please remember me in your prayers and share your experiences and good words to make me more strong ....see you soon MoMs bye :)

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