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24, 25 & 26 weeks pregnancy update, Growth scan

Hey moms I am so sorry for such delay in updating my weekly story. I was out of city on vacation :) It was a great time to spend some time with loved ones and relatives. I am so glad to updating you again my 24 to 26 week journey in spite of some roller coaster situations :) I had a growth scan at 25 week and Dr said every thing is normal but baby is at 12 centile which means he is smaller than his expectations but in normal range of growth as 10 centile is the borderline so he advised me to take much protein as possible and to make another growth scan after two weeks. It made me little nervous because they doubt may be if it goes down the borderline. it will lead to IUGR which is not good so please Moms pray for me to overcome this issue soon. Its part of life so we should take it easy and just relax for our sweet honey bunny  little peanut.

Symptoms these weeks

I will share whole symptoms I suffered through these three weeks 

The very first one during my 24 week was severe toothache which continuously made me uncomfortable throughout the week. Thanks to Sensodyne  Toothpaste which helped me alot in getting relief for a while and also home remedies worked for me :)

Muscle cramps is still on and off from 25th week which mostly occurs at night time
Urination trips are on :)

Feel very uncomfortable now in laying on bed and specially during changing position from one to another side

  • round ligament pains are mild but are there

I feel tightening of my abdominal muscle which ends in seconds may be this is braxton hicks but i am not sure.

Baby Growth These weeks

  • Baby was length of ear corn at 24 weeks, 13 1/2 inches long at 25 weeks and measures 14 inches long at 26 weeks. Which is amazing :)
  • 1 1/3 pounds weight gained in 24 weeks, 1 1/2 pounds gained during 25 weeks and 1 2/3 pound is gained at 25 weeks. 
  • at 24 week brain  growth was continue to grow properly and lungs were developing branches and surfactant which will help his air sacs once he comes out to the world.
  • at 25 week he put on some baby fat and his wrinkled skin was begin to smooth. He was also growing more hair.
  • at 26 weeks ear nerves were better developed and he can now sense our chat with partner and others as well which is great :)
  • He is continuing to put on more fat and look like small new born now.

This is all about my last three weeks journey Moms hope you will enjoy it. will see you soon with another update. Take care and pray for me bye:) 

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