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29 to 35 weeks pregnancy update

Hi Moms em back again after a long gap :) In these weeks I had couple of growth scans done. One was at 33 weeks which was not good one as my little honey could only gain 300 grams in 3 weeks and was dropped to 7.8 centile which is considered as SGA( Small for Gestational Age) so I was very much worried about his growth. After a week another ultrasound was done for checking blood and oxygen flow which was perfect so doctor said no need to worry until any complications occur in blood flow. At 35 weeks I had growth scan appointment but for some reasons I could not reach to FMU at scheduled time,when I reached their doctor was not their which was very hectic day. on request they arranged urgent growth scan with another doctor and they told me that baby has grown much better than the previous one in two weeks which is great but still he is small for gestation age. I am trying to eat a lot of high protein diet. now I have another appointment with my doctor at coming Saturday so hopefully I will get some good news for baby's growth. 

Symptoms for This week

  • now a days Pelvic girdle pain is at height, I am using painkillers on doctors advice for pain relief.
  • I am feeling pain around belly button which gets sour and painful at touch.
  • urination trips are still on :) minimum 3 trips at night which is so annoying :)
  • Baby moves a lot and now his movements are more like rolling than kicking and I can feel his moving legs and body parts clearly.
  • waddling is another symptom as I get huge bump at this point.
  • feeling Brixton Hicks contractions more and more day by day but not painful.
  • I had cold last week for which doctor had recommended anti allergic pills which helped me out of such painful situation.
  • insomnia is another big problem i am dealing with.

Baby Growth this Week

  • According to experts baby is size of honeydew melon ,18 inches long and weighs about 5 1/4 pounds. 
  • Now their is less room for baby as he is growing rapidly.
  • His kidneys are fully developed now and his liver is processing some waste products.
  • He is now physically fully developed and now he will put on some more weight.

This is all about my pregnancy update till now . :) Hopefully will see you soon with another update.
Please remember me in your prayers and feel free to share your experiences with me.
take care and bye for now :)

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29 to 35 weeks pregnancy update

Hi Moms em back again after a long gap :) In these weeks I had couple of growth scans done. One was at 33 weeks which was not good one as m...