Hello MOMs! I can't believe that I am half way away of my little cutie pie. :)
This is my 21 weeks pregnancy update...I am very excited to know my baby's gender very soon as my anomaly scan is scheduled on 3rd august and will share you soon a big news.
This week was also so peaceful and joyful as I had follow up with my doctor on last week and I heard little baby's heartbeat sound like dub dub dub dub :) which was amazing and am feeling very blessed to have a life inside me who is growing day by day and developing his own unique personality.
Symptoms this Week
- I had no dizziness anymore. I am enjoying every type of food and fruits, so no craving complaint.
- One thing new in this week is leg pain also called as muscle cramp in both of my legs which makes me uncomfortable in walking and even in standing and sitting positions.
- other symptom is round ligament pain but its not severe, can be manageable.
- can not stand or sit for long durations, lower area of feet starts to pain badly when i stand for too long, always need to relax feet by putting them straight on couch or on chair.
- feel very uncomfortable when try to pick something up because of weight and popped tummy :)
- some times feel totally out of breath during talking or walking which is crazy.
- Mostly get very difficult in fall a sleep at night.
- Urine trips are still on.
- I am using maternity cloths
Baby Growth this Week
- Baby is a size of carrot or pomegranate.
- Baby is about 10.5 inches long and weighs about 7.5 ounces.
- Baby's eyebrows and eyelids are start to grow.
- Baby's taste buds are developed so he/she can enjoy the taste we eat or drink.
- Red Blood cells are properly developed so now baby's blood circulation is properly doing by system.
- baby is growing larger day by day so we can feel baby kicks oftenly now which sounds great and the exciting thing is I am feeling the same consecutive kicks this time :)
- Baby is more like human now and fats are start from now to develop on baby's body to protect him from cold.
- baby's brain and other organs are completed now so we can done baby's anomaly scan to know he is healthy inside.
This is all about my 21 weeks journey dear Moms, hope you will enjoy this update and you can find previous updates on my blog page. Please pray for my onway baby and share your comments and experiences with me as I need your support and prayers too ,,see you soon bye :)
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