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22 weeks pregnancy update

Today I am 22 weeks and 1 day pregnant Moms....It is blessing.

I could not imagine after such terrible experience of previous pregnancy that this pregnancy will go faster and smoother, thank God that everything is going fine till now.
Its look like time is flying away and thinking of meeting my little peanut makes me very emotional sometime.

 I am very satisfied and peaceful after Anomaly scan . I am very excited to go for shopping :)

Symptoms This Week

  • Nothing is special this week except baby's kicks become more strong day by day. (MA) 
  • Sometimes itchy skin around tummy makes me uncomfortable but coconut oil is working a lot. I am feeling much better after using this oil.
  • Round ligament pains almost gone..sometimes tummy feels very heavy and stretchy but most of the time I have no any issues.
  • Cravings for spicy and sour things. I try my best to eat healthy food and include fruits on daily bases.

Baby's Growth this Week

  • Baby is a size of coconut :) wow na.
  • Size of 11 inches and about 1 pound weight
  • His pancreas, special organ which produces special hormones is developing gradually.
  • Baby's eyelids, eyebrows and lips are now prominent and completely formed.
  • Tiny thin hairs called lanugo can be seen all over the body.
  • Eyes are prominent and complete but still eye lacks color pigment.
  • Baby's looks more like miniature newborn now.
  • Baby's complete organs can be seen in anomaly scan at this time.

This is all about 22 weeks pregnancy, hope you will enjoy this journey with me:)
please remember me in your prayers and share your experiences and related questions below. See you soon with another update, take care and goodbye :)

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