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20 weeks pregnancy update

Hey Moms I am feeling great to pass halfway journey towards meeting my little bean and welcome him/her to new world...:) I am very grateful to God who have given me this opportunity again to become I discussed in my other Stories about ups and downs in my pregnancy journey earlier....I am dying to see this baby and hopefully God will not put me in exam again to loss very dear ones, which is very painful for anyone in this world but as I believe that every thing is for good reason and something better is planed for us after every tough examination so am very much confident this time to be mother of a beautiful little angel.:)

Today I am officially 20 weeks which is awesome.

Symptoms this week:

Nothing is much changed during this week except one good thing which is feeling baby kicks and rollings at frequent intervals which makes me very happy. Its really different feeling and blessing so am enjoying every moment and sharing my feelings with my little bean every day as I know that now he/she can hear me :). This week was fantastic one as it was very smooth and quick one.

 Round ligament pain is still there, am feeling stretch which is because my tummy is growing fast. 
Sometimes feel very tired after stand in kitchen for sometimes which is I think because of gaining weight and bigger tummy :)

Frequent urine trips are still on.

O yah itching all over abdominal area which is weird. I will use coconut oil which I heard is good to control stretch marks in pregnancy.

Now I am showing very much as my bump is popped out so everyone asks me if I go outside in gatherings which is also nice feeling to tell others that I am going to be mama very soon :)

Baby's Growth Update:

  • Baby weighs about 10.5 ounces and about 6.5 inches long.
  • Baby is a size of large banana which sounds great:)
  • Baby's digestive system is getting more strong as he/she is swallowing more fluid this week.
  • Baby is producing meconium a black sticky product which will be the first poop of our baby :) It may pass at time of baby's birth.
This is all for this week dear MOMz hope you will enjoy my diary,please pray for me and if you have any question or suggestions for me feel free to make a comment bellow ,,,,,see you soon bye :)

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